As part of my 3 Weeks in South Korea I had the most amazing WWOOFing experience ever. OK, so admittedly this was only my 2nd experience with WWOOFing (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms, or Willing Workers on Organic Farms). I was a bit nervous, because my first experience was a bit…odd. But I didn’t let that deter me and I had a feeling that this second experience with WWOOF Korea would be different. I had no idea.
Day 1
I arrived in Andong-si and was met by my host Mr. Kim who drove me to his family ancestral home in Jirye Arts Village. As we drove he told me more about his 360 year old traditional hanok home which has been in his family for 13th generations. Mr. Kim is a published poet and describes his home as ““A place to listen to the earth revolve”. Which sounded just fine to me.
Day 2

Day 3
After another delicious breakfast, I was ready to head out to work, but Mr Kim said it was a rest day since it was raining. After several protestations that I wanted to help, he finally acquiesed and said I could dust in the library. He led me to the hanok building that was the library with tomes dating back generations, and well you know that scene in Beauty & The Beast where he finally reveals the library? Dat me. I lovingly removed the dirt and grime from the building full of awe.
Day 4
I was disappointed to wake up to yet another rainy day. I felt totally useless getting to stay with this amazing couple in their beautiful ancestral home and eating all of their amazing, fresh food. Mr Kim showed me Jichon Jaecheong which is the ritual hall which was built in 1712 and they still host playing of traditional music. Then he let me finish my grime-busting in the library. I also tried to sneak in a little weeding any time I could until Mr Kim would catch me and tell me to relax.
After lunch, we headed into town to pick up a few groceries. On the way back we stopped at the scenic Wolyeong Bridge Area which was beautiful even in the fog – it made it even a bit more mystical and magical.
In the evening, he weather cleared up a bit and we headed to check the fish traps again. This time, we had one! So we headed back up the hill and I watched Mr Kim gut the fish – a skill I’m keen to acquire someday.
Then we did the very limited farming I was to do on this visit and we harvested some black berries from the bushes and picked some cherry tomatoes to enjoy with the catfish which Mrs Kim had prepared for our dinner.
Day 5
After a final delicious breakfast prepared by Mrs Kim I was sad to say goodbye to my lovely temporary family.They truly made me feel like an adopted daughter for these few days with them. I will never be able to express my gratitude to them and for this amazing experience.