Some people refer to Track 17 as a “speakeasy”, but given that the doorway has some signage I personally do not consider it one. That said, it is fairly inconspicuous, tucked into a corner of the second floor of The Commons and you aren’t likely to notice it if you aren’t looking for it.
Walking in is like stepping on a train to the past. EXACTLY the kind of bar that I like. Not only do I have a TON of nostalgia for the 20s, 30s, & 40s and the era of classic cocktails, but I also am a totally sucker for a train themed bar. Not sure why, but I love the idea of the elegance of travel by rail and sipping on a drink as I watch the scenery roll by.
So right away I was ready to add Track 17 to my list of favorite bars in Bangkok. The only thing needed to clinch the deal is some halfway decent cocktails. The bartenders delivered and then some – a delightful and original cocktail menu with well mixed drinks were the destination and I arrived in style in bar happy place heaven.

Oh and if you’re interested, read more about The Commons in Thonglo, Bangkok.