Day 1: Arrival to Munich, Friday Night
When I moved to Europe I knew one of my first weekend trips would be to Munich, Germany because one of my good friends I met during my time in NYC is living there now. Then I received the very exciting news that my best buddy from Bangkok was going to be moving there too! He would be arriving the week before Easter weekend and I hadn’t figured out where I was going to head for my 3 day weekend yet, so when he suggested I come for the weekend I was on Lufthansa’s website lickety-split and a ticket was booked. And that’s how I found myself headed to the airport after work on a Friday evening and then suddenly in Munich.
I easily found the train to take me to Marienplatz, because ummm duh I stayed in Marienplatz. When I popped out from the subterranean train station, this was literally the first thing to hit my eyeballs.

I was immediately wowed by Munich. Let’s get a little more of this shall we?
I ogled my way along the short walk to the hotel where I was finally reunited with my dear friend and we headed immediately out to wander the streets and enjoy the sights of his new home. Then we ducked into a suitable looking bar and grabbed some beer (of course!)

Day 2: Saturday
After some coffee in our hotel, we hit the streets again to wander around the town. It was overcast, which doesn’t make for the most glamorous pictures, but we were happy just to explore while catching up and that it didn’t rain on us.
We had wandered up to the English Garden and we found the Beer Garden where we grabbed some pastries as our “breakfast” and imagined how many sunny afternoons he will spend enjoying beers in this lovely setting.
Then we continued up north through the park, headed a few blocks west and worked our way back down to the city center. By then, we were ready for some real food. We started to head towards a restaurant I picked out, but en route we encountered a market where we found some goulash. Perfect on a chilly, grey day for two empty stomachs!
Then we found an awesome, traditional beer hall. Brightly lit. Communal pine tables. Lots of German people (and their dogs!), and lots and lots of beer. Oh and meat. I was not vegan today.
On our way back to our hotel, we ducked in to a cocktail bar that we had spotted the night before. Our instincts did not betray us and the Jaded Monkey was seriously legit. Pina Colada Old Fashioned? Yes, please. He warned me it was a strong drink and boy he was not kidding. After one round we were out for the count and collapsed back at our hotel.
Day 3: Sunday
After coffee in our hotel, we attended the last 10 minutes of an Easter Mass which my friend had never witnessed as he is Jewish. Then we found this amazing place to enjoy an Easter brunch and he got more than he ever wanted to know about Catholicism and we compared and contrasted the traditions that it decided to keep from Judaism vs adapt to Pagan beliefs (for recruitment purposes). These are the fun conversations you can expect to have with me if you become my travel buddy.
Then we headed back to our hotel to grab our stuff and move my buddy into his new apartment. For me was my weekend backpack, but for my friend is literally ALL OF HIS THINGS. I was so honored to be there when he got to see it for the first time after picking it online. I am pleased to report that it is beautiful! He’s going to be very happy in this wonderful city. After excitedly scoping out his new digs, we decided we needed to do our due diligence and check out his neighborhood!
He lives near Elizabethplatz, but sadly the little market there was closed – otherwise we definitely would’ve just grabbed some cheese to enjoy with the Bordeaux I brought with me from France. But very fortunately, there was an adorable little Winter Garden there that was very open. We grabbed some beers (this time I got my 2nd favorite, a dunkel) and eventually ordered some dinner. I fell absolutely in love with this cabbage and noodle dumpling dish. Can I use the word toothfeel here without losing you forever? Because damn I loved the consistency of these things.
I made a grave mistake of waiting to long to order dessert and the kitchen was closed so I didn’t get to enjoy what I am positive would’ve been an amazing apple streudel. I consoled myself with a glass of Riesling instead. We helped close the place down before going to my friend’s new home for the night.
Day 4: Monday
My flight was in the afternoon, so after sleeping in a bit after our late night and then enjoying some really delicious coffee my friend had brought back with him from a recent trip to Israel, we didn’t have as much time for exploring today. Per usual, we hit the streets without a plan. Most things were closed for the holiday, but then we spied an open place and it was freakin phenom. I mean, just look at this. Amazing Latte, Bread Basket, Fruit Salad, Chia Pudding, Banana Bread, and a GRILLED AVOCADO STUFFED WITH HUMMUS. I died.
Well, not really. But I was really happy. Which was good, because it overcame my sadness of having to leave my friend and this cool city. Off I went on the Metro to catch the airport train and head back to the Cote d’Azur. But I know I’ll be back very soon to visit with my other friend too since she was out of town for the weekend!