Bangkok Food

Bangkok Restaurant Review: Not Just Another Cup

    I needed a healthy and productive Saturday so I headed down to Chong Nonsi with my laptop to find Not Just Another Cup cafe. I was delighted by the open, modern, and sunshine-filled space and settled in to a table by the window.   I had come with a dish in mind after… Continue reading Bangkok Restaurant Review: Not Just Another Cup

Bangkok Food

Bangkok Bar Review: Le Cafe des Stagiaires 

My friends live in the Chong Nonsi neighborhood of Silom and introduced me to their neighborhood haunt Le Cafe des Stagiaires. The multiple story building is home to the main bar on the ground floor as well as a restaurant and living quarters for the interns (les stagiaires). Mostly from France, the bar offers young… Continue reading Bangkok Bar Review: Le Cafe des Stagiaires 

Bangkok Food

Bangkok Restaurant Review: Lady Brett Tavern

    A fellow American ex-pat girlfriend and I were looking for a restaurant for dinner in Chong Nonsi after our plan to try a pop-up at Maggie Choo’s didn’t pan out. I’ve been hearing that Lady Brett has a reputation for some really good barbecue and southern comfort food and since my friend is… Continue reading Bangkok Restaurant Review: Lady Brett Tavern