Bangkok Food

Bangkok Restaurant Review: Charcoal Tandoor Grill & Mixology

    I’ve heard so much praise over Charcoal Tandoor Grill & Mixology that I frankly started to get nervous about trying it because it was going to be a really tall order to live up to all of the hype. Finally, the opportunity arrived and I was invited out with a group of incredibly… Continue reading Bangkok Restaurant Review: Charcoal Tandoor Grill & Mixology

Bangkok Food

Bangkok Restaurant Review: Above Eleven

Last night I finally got to visit one of the rooftop bars high on my list: Above Eleven. A perfect venue of chill yet incredibly fun for me and my friends’ Friday night shenanigans. And as a transplant from NYC I couldn’t get over the wall behind the bar with NYC bills (as in “Post no”) including the… Continue reading Bangkok Restaurant Review: Above Eleven

Bangkok Food

Bangkok Bar Review: Havana Social

    Walk down an alley this Nana, Bangkok where there is a somewhat incongruous “Telefono” booth. Step inside and make a call to find the back of the booth opens to another time and place. This my friends, is the magic of a speakeasy.     Thus magically transported to Havana, Cuba in the 60s,… Continue reading Bangkok Bar Review: Havana Social