Did you know that the same people behind one of the best speakeasies in Bangkok Q&A Bar have yet another secret bar? Well, secret’s out. Down a nondescript alley in Ekkamai is a secret, magical, alcohol wonderland. Just as fabulous as Q&A in every way, but with a distinctly different vibe. Instead of classy, vintage railway car, think modern, funky, casual, cocktail laboratory.
The only clue that you will get as to it’s location is a small sign that simply says “Cocktail”. Find a doorway that leads to a stairwell. Enter. On the first landing you will see a saran-wrapped storm trooper, skateboard, & mannequin gams. Don’t be scurred. This is the new sign that you are doing everything right in life. Keep Going. Go up to the top of the stairs and slide open the door…

There you will find some of the most talented bartenders in Bangkok, like Khun Tor & Khun Bee, concocting whimsical themed cocktails like mad scientists in their lair. The menu changes constantly and is usually 6-8 drinks (although of course they are pros so can whip you up whatever you want), but I LOVE trying their creations. This is definitely where they get to play, experiment, and have fun as opposed to the much more classic & polished Q&A Bar.
Usually I go with my friend and work through the whole menu. Yes, that’s about 3 drinks each. And yes, I always leave hoping I have not embarrassed myself and Khun Tor will be happy to see me the next time – and he always is. Besides for being ridiculously talented – they are also some of the nicest people I’ve ever met.

Besides for amazing cocktails, I simply love every single tiny detail of this place (of which there are many). The mad scientist theme is real and I discover new delights on every visit. Oh and did I fail to mention the official name of this place is “Sugar Ray: You’ve Just Been Poisoned”? Oops. How did I neglect that? OK, OK, I was trying not to scare you off since you were probably already a bit nervous with the whole shrink wrapped, serial-killer, leg situation…
ANYway… They also usually have a DJ and great music. Candlelight. Everything. The mood is just perfect. Which is why this is one of my absolute favorite bars in Bangkok and heck, The World.