We woke up in our real beds at the La Quinta in Page and enjoyed their continental breakfast while I furiously tried to get us in on Antelope Canyon Tour. After not having any luck, I decided it might be worth it to just drive out to the spot where the tour departs from and see if we would get lucky. We did – we were able to get some spots on one of the morning’s tours and we were really glad we took the gamble because it was TOTALLY worth it. Images of these slot canyons are used in all kinds of stock photography – from Mac desktop wallpapers to Powerpoint slides. For some reason I’d always thought they were in Utah which is why I only realized we were so close to them at the very last minute thanks to a friend tipping me off.
Then, before heading out of Page we made the obligatory stop at Glen Canyon Dam. Which of course brought up the natural question “What, what is the deterioration rate of poured concrete again…” 😐
Then it was onward to Horseshoe Bend for gorgeous views and heart attacks. There are no railings here folks. So I crawled on my belly up to the edge, heart-racing. Of course all kind of other tourists were cockily taking selfies and goofing around on the edges which made me wonder how many people die each year from falling. The answer is shockingly not that many (See: Most Deadly National Parks). I can’t tell if people are just lucky or way more sure-footed and have better balance than I do?

We continued on to the official Grand Canyon National Park Visitors Center where we found this very cool lookout tower which wasn’t open on our last trip. I also enjoyed it because it was a bit chilly of a day.
While we would’ve loved to experience more, we decided we should get on the road to try to make Sedona by nightfall. Good thing too, because roads were tough shape and were scheduled to close at a certain time of night for repair.
We successfully found a spot in Pine Flat Campground in Kaibab National Forest where the sweetest park ranger set us up with a spot. A perfect place for the last night of our trip.
Then we headed in to town to enjoy dinner at a restaurant with an outdoor seating area which was heated up to my standards and we were assured that the view was lovely although it was pitch black while we were there, so can’t speak to that first hand.
Found our way back in the dark for our last night in our RV.